RedCone -
Computer Vision Experts

We design Deep-Learning based AI/ML Object & Pattern Recognition solutions for scalable & custom needs of enterprises

What is RedCone?
RedCone is a team of problem solvers. We build technology stacks for enterprises aiming to become a Smart City using applications like Computer Vision algorithms.
For e.g. - The Nashville school shootout could have been stopped using our Weapons Detection technology.
Say NO to CRIME -

Gun Violence has been on the rise in 2023 all across US. Innocent lives are lost which we can predict the crime before it happens and inform the POLICE.
RedCone's patented Gun-Detection is just the tip of the iceberg that is a multi-layered crime-detection technology stack -
1. Detect Guns
2. Detect People in Danger
3. Detect Shot Fired
4. Send data to POLICE ASAP
How many can you spot -

  1. Chefs in the Kitchen? 
  2. Skiers going crazy?
  3. Gym Lovers sweating it out?
Accurate counting of various objects of interest depending upon the enviroment such as an airport, restaurant, tourist resort, parking lot, school etc. requires custom coding to achieve the desired insights that drive decision making.

Occupancy, evacuation, advertising, space-design, safety, security and even resource planning highly depend upon population trends subject to time, day, weather & location.
Smart City all the way!

Traffic Detection is a core functionality required by old and new municipalities globally. RedCone can help mitigate traffic congestion and plan cities better by - 
  1. Predicting traffic flows based on time/date/weather
  2. Detecting accidents and violations that existing traffic cameras cannot catch
  3. Help design parking lots and highway better with more insights from past data.
So if you are planning to ugrade to a Smart City, we have all you need!

Out Of Stock!!!

More of than not, Big Box retailerer lose customers simply because they cannot keep up to the speed of increaasing customer demands.

RedCone can easily detect and predict a possible empty shelf for a high demand item.

Understanding customer behaviour, buying patterns and ultimately increasing the shopping basket can be achived with Computer Vision.